5 months after moving I finally have a housekeeping plan that works for this house! Oh the joy of getting up to a clean kitchen! How wonderful to see the laundry room floor! What pride in knowing I can have last minute guests!
In our new home, not only do we have MORE rooms but we are on a money saving power plan that limits my use of power between 12p.m. and 7p.m. That means all my work involving big appliances needs to be done before noon and I can't start dinner until after 7p.m.
What finally helped was just writing things down. (Like when I realized that the last load of laundry to dry in the dryer had to start washing no later than 10a.m.) I had little pieces of paper all over for a while, but then I collected them and I wrote out a loose schedule.
How wonderful to know my hubby comes home to a clean house and knowing that there will be a yummy supper for him!
/www.flylady.net/index.asp (a great way to get started!)
Great Tutorial Mitzey~ thanks for following my blog it's great to meet you looks like we have alot in common. I am trying to follow your blog but my computer is acting up lol!! I will try again later so much for modern technology ~Blessings Heather