Usually when you hear "life after graduation" it pertains to a scholar who completed his/her course of study. Lately I have been thinking of it in terms of being a homeschool mom who's youngest is graduating.
"Now what?" often pops into my head. Yes I have the work on the house but then what? Whatever it is I choose to do I want it to be something that will glorify the Lord. A type of ministry. I just can't stand the thought of all this time on my hands. Titus 2:3-5 comes to mind. Could I possibly come up with something that will bless young mamas with my extra time? I feel as though the answer is right at the tip of my thoughts yet I can't grasp it.
I wonder how many other mamas go through this. My situation is different in that I am still young compared to other homeschooling mamas because the Lord only saw fit to bless us with 2 children and my homeschooling is done sooner because of it.
Homeschool was such a blessing that I am sad to see the end of it yet I know that the Lord has great possibilities for me if I will just open my heart and listen!
I guess we're at opposite ends of the homeschool journey. I am starting offically with my oldest aged 6 in September. I hadn't yet given much thought to what happens after :)There are plenty of us young moms who could use advise :) remember 2 titus