Sunday, February 28, 2010

Well, it looks like this kitchen is going to take on it's own look. We were able to get the cabinets at a great price but they are not very "tuscan" looking. They are a natural birch. The lighter color may actually help with the problem of having no windows in the kitchen. I am still thinking of tile counters and backsplash. We shall have to see what I find and if time will allow.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I started planning on what I will be able to grow this year. We just bought a house in Phoenix (Yes, we are moving again!) that we are at present remodeling so I will have to do container gardens. Tomatoes, peppers, herbs and summer squash are on my list. I am hoping to find something that I can grow onions in.

There are a lot of cinder blocks that the previous owner left behind so next year I hope to have some raised beds to put my garden in!

P.s. I will try to keep up to date on how the remodel is going!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


1Peter 4:9 Use hospitality one to another without grudging.

Romans 12:13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.

Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
I love having guests over! It gives me an opportunity to show them how much they mean to me. In other words: I SPOIL THEM!!

Some things I like to do for stay over guests:

*Make the bed with attractive linens.

*A bedside table with a reading light and clock. I also like to put out some bottled water and a glass.

*Leave some empty hangers and open space in the closet.

* Provide a place to put there suitcase.

* Put out a basket with things they may need like sample sized bottles of lotion, shampoo, conditioner etc. Chapstick and mints are nice too.

* leave some reading material to suit my guest.

* Place a small empty laundry basket in the room.

* Fresh flowers
Even if the guests are only coming for a meal I will leave things in the bath to make their stay pleasant. The basket mentioned above works well. Fresh towels and of course extra rolls of toilet paper are very welcome too!